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 Crane Regional Defense Group

Elevating the strategic value of Crane and expanding southern Indiana's defense innovation ecosystem.


Number of members that have joined our organization


Size of the workforce at Naval Support Activity, Crane


Total investment in the installation over the next 5 years


Total economic impact of
NSWC Crane


The Crane Regional Defense Group, a subcommittee of the White River Military Coordination Alliance, was established in 2020 as a grassroots effort to expand community support and advocate for Crane at the local and federal level.

Connect with CRDG

Group gathering in meeting space


Networking event


“Connect to Mission (C2M) events provide opportunity to engage with external partners who contribute to NSWC Crane’s mission.

Our ecosystem partners play a critical role in Crane’s ability to rapidly deliver innovative sensor and weapon system solutions to our Warfighters."

- Dr. Kyle Werner, Deputy Technical Director, NSWC Crane

"Amentum appreciates Connect to Mission and other in-person events held at WestGate Academy to receive updated strategy and direction from Crane leaders.


We have gained great value from, and appreciate being a member of CRDG."

- Dr. Kyle Werner, Deputy Technical Director, NSWC Crane

"Team Crane cannot succeed without our partners outside the fence line. We are stronger together, and it takes a dedicated and cohesive effort by all of us to grow the mission and achieve our goals.”

- Dr. Kyle Werner, Deputy Technical Director, NSWC Crane

Five Star Members

See which businesses and organizations have chosen to support CRDG at the highest level.

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